Enable Microphone Redirection on Microsoft Teams When Using Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)
By default, Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) does not allow microphone redirection. In other words, out of the gate, you can not use a microphone with a Teams meeting initiated from your WVD. You could hear other participants, but they can’t hear you.
There are several existing guides on how to enable this, but I could not find any that work with the new ARM based WVD instances. For ARM based WVD, you will need to use the new Az.DesktopVirtualization PS module (This module will not work with non-ARM WVD instances).
The following procedure works for enabling microphone redirection, but can also be used to configure any client side setting that is supported by WVD.
- To get started let’s install the new PS module.
Install-Module -Name Az.DesktopVirtualization -AllowClobber
- Once the module has been installed, issue the following cmdlet to use an interactive login. Make sure to specify Tenant and Subscription if you administer multiple environments.
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx' -SubscriptionId 'yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy'
- Verify that you can see your WVD host pool.
- Enable Microphone redirection.
Update-AzWvdHostPool -ResourceGroupName <resource group name> -Name <host pool name> -CustomRdpProperty "audiocapturemode:i:1;"
- If we run Get-AzWvdHostPool again, it should now show the custom property.
Get-AzWvdHostPool | format-list Name, CustomRdpProperty